
Network Control (NAC) is the process of leveraging security protocols such as endpoint monitoring and 身份和访问管理(IAM) 最大限度地控制谁或什么可以访问专有网络.

often, there are systems on a network that simply do not receive the same level of visibility as others. 因此,它们成为a的更容易访问的点 threat actor 破坏网络. 根据Forrester, “security and risk pros need to address problems introduced by a mobile and remote workforce incentivized by cloud integrations. NAC解决方案过去和现在仍然被认为是复杂和昂贵的,难以有效部署.”

显然,每个组织的NAC看起来都不一样. 因此,让我们来看看两种不同类型的过程:


这种类型的NAC网络安全控制确保一个人, system, 或者希望访问网络的设备在实际访问之前被检查出. IAM authentication procedures can be leveraged during this process to ensure no one or thing is granted access to a network that doesn’t have a right to be there.

post - admission

This type of NAC control essentially “follows” an authenticated user around the network, continuously verifying their credentials to ensure they aren’t admitted to a part or segment of the network they don’t need in order to do their job or complete a task. In this way, 如果一个威胁行为者进入了一个特定的部分, 他们会被隔离在那个区域, 保护大型网络.


你需要NAC,因为有大量的威胁行为者在寻找 brute force - 他们通过低或不受监控的接入点进入网络. Visibility and automation are necessary to be able to cover the large scale of many enterprise networks, NAC解决方案可以在这些领域提供保护.



  • cost savings:通过限制网络上威胁行为者访问点的数量, 你限制了事件发生的次数. 即使你的安全机构有最先进和最快的 脆弱管理 and 事件响应 program, an NAC solution will help that much more in shutting out unnecessary incidents.
  • compliance: NAC解决方案有助于满足各种监管标准, whether it’s on a smaller scale like a state or territory or a larger scale like a country or kingdom. 通过控制网络接入点, it demonstrates to regulators that a business or security organization has the best intentions for everyone.
  • minimizing the attack surface: Closing off access points to only those that need access helps to segment the network such that, 如果有坏人进入, 损害可能仅限于这一特定领域.
  • authentication: Implementing IAM protocols like multi-factor authentication (MFA) can help to thoroughly verify that the person or asset requesting network access does indeed have a right to be on the network. 零信任安全 也是一个强大的模式,以确保适当的网络访问.
  • 更强的安全态势: By incorporating NAC into your security program, you’re taking a step beyond average capabilities. You’re creating a stronger security posture by ensuring your network is locked down and everyone and everything properly authenticates to where they need to be.


So, how exactly would an NAC solution help to fortify security posture and contain threats? NAC程序的具体功能有很多, 并最终有助于统一认证协议, 端点配置, 以及对企业环境的全面访问.

在为您的特定环境寻找NAC解决方案时, 不过®states “组织应评价下列能力”:

  • 设备能见度/分析: Which devices are attempting to access the corporate network and what are their risk profiles? 
  • access control: This is the function of an NAC solution to actually control who gets in and who doesn't. 
  • 安全态势检查: A 云安全态势管理(CSPM) capability can provide visibility into the configuration of applications and workloads.
  • 客户管理:用户可以管理请求访问企业网络的访客, 包括身份验证和授予有限访问权限.
  • 与其他安全产品双向集成这很重要,尤其是在购物过程中 安全运营中心(SOC) leaders procure an NAC solution that can integrate and amplify their current suite of security solutions.

除了这些功能之外, it’s important to remember that compliance – as noted above – is critical and is also a moving target. 为了保持NAC解决方案功能的有效性, it’s a good idea for security practitioners to conduct periodic assessments and audits.

Scheduling regular network assessments and audits can ensure compliance with secure configurations, 密码策略, 以及接入网的控制要求. assessing 网络安全 针对内部构建的基准也可以帮助减轻威胁.


NAC solutions are ubiquitous and they can do different things depending on the specific environment of the security organization looking to leverage its capabilities. 让我们看一下一些更常见的用例.


随着员工将更多的物联网设备带入公司网络, IT团队必须跟上步伐,努力确保他们在网络上安全运行. 自动化这个过程可以简化这个领域的操作, helping to authenticate each device and determine if its reason for accessing the network is valid.


从BYOD趋势开始, it's been an ongoing evolution of how to balance the benefits with the risks that arise from letting your employees and partners use their own devices on the internal or corporate network. Powerful NAC solutions like authentication protocols and multi-step verification technologies have helped to ensure security while these devices are accessing the network.


当涉及到供应商, we’ll assume you’ve thoroughly vetted these partners and entrusted a portion of your business practices and services to their care. This means each of these providers will need at least a degree of access to your corporate network, with network segmentation helping to facilitate that access as well as protecting the network as a whole.


You implement network access control by adhering to some stringent best practices that will help ensure the solution has its best chance to protect the organization. 

  • 对网络需求进行全面评估:在实现NAC解决方案之前, it’s important to know where your network’s access vulnerabilities lie as well as where they might exist in the near future. Where do you most need critical access controls that will keep network operations safe?
  • 确保正确的证书发给正确的人:如果你要实现NAC解决方案, 确保在特权领域没有责任是至关重要的. 云基础设施授权管理(CIEM) policies – like zero trust – can help to mitigate this potential vulnerability by ensuring everyone is stringently authenticated in multiple ways before being granted access.
  • 在审查供应商时自我教育我们已经讨论了一些合作伙伴和供应商, but the point cannot be understated: An NAC vendor should deliver a strong product that will help protect your network from unauthorized access and potential attack or data theft. The only way to purchase a solution that can do that is to thoroughly reSearch and speak to an NAC vendor to ensure the function will meet your organization's specific needs.
  • 了解你的网络优势:您的网络扩展到什么程度,具体的云操作是什么? 网络边界可以扩展到全球, 但这并不意味着不可能确保接入点的安全.